Caring for Teens as a Single Parent

Caring for Teens as a Single Parent
Posted on 06/21/2023

I first became a foster parent when I was 30, married, and had 3 school-aged biological children.  I ran a licensed daycare at the time and saw the need to open our home to care for children through the Children’s Aid Society.  We started fostering younger school-aged children and found ways to make our new family dynamic work We learned so much! Every child was so different! We had to be very flexible in our parenting as these children were traumatized have experienced trauma, and so typical parenting strategies are not always effective.

As a foster parent, we felt like we were part of a community; part of the child’s team.  We attended appointment, access visits, and school meetings.  Help was always available, and workers were always there to listen and support us.

We also began fostering teens, as our kids were getting older and we found that caring for this age group is our passion.  When I became single, I took a few years off to figure out how to live on my own, work outside of the home, and share parenting duties. Eventually, I came back to providing licensed daycare and now am back to fostering teens.

The last 3 years have been a whirlwind with all the teen girls I’ve opened my home to. Single parenting is a challenge on its own and I’ve had to learn all over again how to work with many different personalities and needs.

Although fostering children and youth brings challenges, I have learned and grown so much.  The resilience these teens have is amazing.

I’ve learned to let go of the little things… that’s what they have workers for!  I’ve gained so much love and understanding that I wouldn’t change my experience for the world. Caring for young people is my calling.  Nobody said parenting is easy, but is it ever so worth it! Take a step back out of your daily routine and open your home up to teens. It will change your life!

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